Pork Belly Roll (skinless)

Regular price $1,099.00 Sale


Skinless pork belly roll from Scandinavia Peninsula which is oven ready to bake as healthy ham or side cut for day-to-day Chinese cooking or as Korea Barbecue. Each monthly subscriber might pick 1 portion  as one of the selection in A. 

有機愈膳房之七無(無抗生素、無基因改造、無生長激素、 無農藥、無抗生素丶 無化學物丶無添加)豬肉,我們從北歐斯堪的納維亞島進口了少量去皮的豬腩肉捲,可將其用有機香草鹽及有機素雞粉先醃,再以焗爐即時烤焗作為健康火腿或健康燒肉,或側切片以作日常中式蒸炒煮炆,或配合有機鮮味醬作韓式烤肉。